Working with an Alcoholic Patient
The alcohol Treatment Map® provides an overview of the treatment process for patients with various kinds of alcohol misuse. The map consists of six linked flow charts that connect common decisions and actions into a logical order for any patient you are likely to see. Each step in the process is linked to a section […]
When do we call it a trauma reaction?
Part of the evaluation of a person for post traumatic reaction is a judgment that the situation reacted-to was serious enough to cause the reaction. Section 9 on the Anxiety map attempts to diagnose a patient’s trauma reaction by symptoms and the qualities of events that led to it. • Click here to link to […]
Choosing Supplementary Forms of Help for a Depressed Person
The Adjunctive Care Decision: Depression Section 31 This section is dedicated to choosing treatments to supplement the primary care for a depressed outpatient. It should describe each approach briefly, along with the advantages and difficulties of using that approach, and the kinds of patients for which it is likely to be most helpful. At present, […]
Helping a severely depressed outpatient
Depression Section 12 The question here is: How can you manage circumstances for a severely depressed patient, when hospitalization isn’t an option and outpatient psychotherapy isn’t enough? We have begun to address this issue in Depression Section 12 on the Treatment Maps site, with some issues about sending a person to a day treatment program. […]
Psychotherapy has a beginning, a succession of therapeutic choices and interventions, and an eventual termination. Each patient passes along a unique therapeutic path that leads toward psychological improvement. Nevertheless, there are commonalities to the paths that patients follow, and those common aspects of treatment can be outlined and shared, leaving it to the individual therapist […]