Please Join the Discussion

The Maps are intended to include input from any therapist or researcher who has relevant information and insight about the topics addressed. The information will be compiled and ordered to match the process of psychotherapy.

Please comment with
• Any suggestions you may have for overall improvement of the map.
• A request to examine a particular choice point in greater detail.
• New options that should be included.
• Suggestions for printed or online references that explain any of the choices or techniques in greater detail.
• Possible changes in the sequences of choices and actions
• Modifications to content.

It is best to think of each map as a startup framework on which we can build a more detailed set of suggestions for the treatment based on your input.

There are many ways to evaluate a map. You can…
• look at the flow charts and see whether the sequence of steps is reasonable.
• check out each of the sections of text, using the links on the page that explains each flow map.
• follow the map through with a particular patient to see if the sequence of steps applies.
Following is a list of the current Treatment Maps with a starting place for each. You can use this to review the maps on the other site and then contribute on this one:

New Patient                New Patient Introduction     First Flow Chart          Contribute
Alcohol                        Alcohol Introduction              First Flow Chart          Contribute
Anxiety and Panic     Anxiety Introduction              First Flow Chart          Contribute
Depression                Depression Introduction       First Flow Chart          Contribute